Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pride Bracelet

In the beginning of June, a store (that shall remain nameless) started selling stretch bracelets out of a little box decorated in pride colors (the box was decorated), with the text "#loveislove" on the side of the box. And I thought, "Ooo. I should get one of those," partly for myself and partly to stand with Orlando. So I looked through and looked through, and not one of the bracelets had the beads in the right order. And some of them may have even missed a color or two entirely. (Once I saw that they weren't in the right order, I stopped paying that close attention.) I tried looking at local crafting stores, but while they sold some premade bracelets, none were in pride colors. I tried the nearest city's gay bookstore, but it's no longer the store it once was.
So I tried going to a local beading store. The woman there sat with me fishing through the morass of beads in three different bowls until we found enough beads in the six pride colors to make the bracelet pictured above.
It turned out so easy (though it was time consuming fishing for the right beads), and so affordable that I thought I'd check etsy to see whether anyone was already doing this. (I hadn't checked ahead of time because I didn't want to wait for delivery.) Unfortunately, a lot of people are already selling pride bracelets, some of which are very much like the one above. Hey, I never claimed it was all that original an idea.

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