Friday, July 14, 2017

Please Make It Stop (Trump waxes ... something on Border Wall)

The image contains actual text from a transcript of Donald Trump's statement on the Border Wall he made on board Air Force One, as reported by No, I don't know why there's a transcript of an "off the record" statement. But there is. He said it. Then again, I also don't know why the President of the United States would think a statement to reporters made on board Air Force One would be off the record.

Monday, June 26, 2017


I guess some folks just have to learn the hard way not to make stories up out of whole cloth.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Rolling EyesEmojis

Facebook really needs a rolling eyes emoji / emoticon, especially in these ... trying times. Since they don't have one, I -- well, I kind of swiped an eyes emoji and turned it into rolling eyes. I don't know how to get it submitted as a "sticker" or emoji on facebook ... yet, so I'm putting it here.
gif 1 was done without a background. You can see the one eye trailing. I don't actually like it, but there it is. :

 gif 2 where each part of the animation has a white background, and you don't get the trailing :

Edited to add reasonable sized giff for Facebook comments: