Friday, June 18, 2010

Woot T-shirt Derby --- again

Yes, it's another week and time for another Woot T-shirt derby entry. This week's theme is "Devolution", as in the devolution of humanity. So I chose to take this opportunity to mock the current trend of protesters who have no idea what they're protesting about, the mobs who rally behind seemingly any idiot with a soap box.

But wait, there's more. This Woot T-shirt Derby is brought to you by ........... the band Devo, who's first album in forever (seemingly) is titled "Devolution". Coincidence? Um ... that would be a no. But the Devo sponsorship explains why the protesters depicted have decided to beat each other up in the name of Peace and Love in front of a giant Devo Hat.

If you like my interpretation of Devolution, you can vote for it by clicking here, or on the image directly below.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Job Search T-shirt Test Drive

Ah, another week, another Shirt Woot T-shirt Derby. This week's theme is The Interview Shirt. Fortunately (so to speak) other people who are designing Woot shirts have very different interview experiences than I have. In the actual shirt design, the button on the right side of the chest says "I'm Brilliant". I hope you like it and vote. You can see the actual shirt and vote for it by clicking here.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This Week's Woot Shirt Derby

Another week, another T-shirt design.

The theme this week is Intergalactic Cup, a riff off the World Cup. I took blatant advantage of the fact that they're never that strict about theme, to make this. I hope people like it and vote for it.

Some detail pictures: