Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

Season's Greetings from Pennsylvania!

♫ "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..." ♪

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fish Speaks Out

Soap operas don't get a lot of respect, but every once in a while, one comes up with something that's both incredibly real and worthwhile. That's right, I said, "worthwhile".

On ABC*, it's usually All My Children that has the social conscience, leaving the gangster drama to General Hospital, with One Life To Live usually sticking to family drama, although each of the shows has ventured into the others' areas of expertise (what soap would ever really avoid family drama?)

But the soaps have always had a hard time when it comes to portraying same-sex relationships. That's partly because to tell soap opera style stories, you need romantic triangles, temptations and tawdriness. And usually, when they bring in a gay character, it's one character (maybe two), so they really can't sustain story lines for him or her or even them, and they fall into back-burner hell. All My Children did a marvelous job when Bianca, Erica Kane's daughter, came out as a lesbian, and they've stuck with it, but after a while she just didn't get the screen time.

Several months ago, One Life To Live brought in not one, but three gay characters, all male, which is letting them have plenty of soap-style action to sustain the characters, and also giving them a chance to show us what it's really like to be gay, in the not-as-tolerant-as-some-might-think new millennium. It's been incredibly moving watching police officer Oliver Fish struggle with whether his parents, his roommates, his coworkers at the police department, would accept him when and if they found out he was gay.
On the episode that aired October 30, 2009, he stopped struggling.

I've removed all --- or at least most --- of the plot-line stuff from the video, so people who've never watched One Life To Live can watch this video and see for themselves this timid young man who has suddenly had enough and finally breaks his long silence. (And also to hopefully fall under the "legitimate use" news reporting section of copyright law.)

I apologize to anyone who finds the video isn't up to snuff. That's the Internet for you. And hopefully the suits at ABC will appreciate this post for the fan-appreciation that it is.
* If you're at work, or listening to music while surfing, beware the video that starts automatically at the ABC web site.

Friday, September 25, 2009

New England Patriots Training Camp

I took these pictures at Patriots Training Camp in August:
(unfortunately, I don't know how to make Blogger give me a wider posting column, otherwise I'd arrange the pictures better.)

Rob Ninkovich (50)

David Thomas

Jake Ingram

Julian Edelman

Stephen Gostkowski

Tyson DeVree

Andrew Walter

Brian Hoyer

Kevin O'Connell

Tom Brady

And some pics of the quarterbacks together:

Friday, July 3, 2009

How I make a Wallpaper

I don't do a lot of wallpapers or collages and I wouldn't otherwise post this (because frankly the source pictures don't belong to me) but it's a good example of how I would do a collage.

I took the Matt Grothe on the right, and stretched out the left half of that picture to get a good wallpaper size. Because the background is blurry and only there to capture a mood and setting, it works, but if I were taking the pictures myself, I would take a picture of the stadium crowd and used it as a backdrop.
For the other two Matt Grothes, I removed everything from the pictures except him (and the helmet-shoulder-arm of the guy making the tackle) and pasted them into this picture. Again, if I were taking the pictures myself, I would probably find two more good pictures that didn't have another person in them, or I would use one where I wanted the other person completely in the picture. ... Although, the cut-off of the head and shoulder isn't a bad effect if I do say so myself.

I used The Gimp, which is an Open Source program similar to Photoshop.

I reduced the full-size picture because the point is to demonstrate capability, not provide people with a Matt Grothe wallpaper.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baby Birds

Early this spring, I'd noticed that there were some stray twig-like things on top of the light fixture on my balcony. And I kind of watched out for it for a while, as it grew into a bird nest. I forgot about it for quite a while, then one Saturday, I woke up at around 6:00 am to the sound of knocking on my outside wall. (I live on the fourth floor.)
At first, I was seriously annoyed that the apartment maintenance was out there working at 6:00 on a Saturday morning, and I was all set to let them have it. (Yes, the noise was that loud, and really, the bird was not a woodpecker, so I think I can be forgiven.) I walked out on the balcony to look around at where they were working, and there was no one there. Then I saw the bird nest and remembered. I also looked down and saw a small piece of an egg shell, so I knew in no uncertain terms that I had to make sure the nest wasn't disturbed until the eggs hatched and were able to fly away ... of course, I had no idea how I would know when the baby birds had flown away if I was busy not-disturbing them.
Memorial Day Weekend, I was showing my mom and sister around, and we went out on the balcony, but first I made sure to jiggle the knob loudly. At that point, the eggs had surely not hatched yet. And Memorial day itself, I was going to set myself up on the balcony --- guess I forgot to not-disturb the babies --- but as I was setting up, Mommy Bird made her presence known and I decided I didn't want robin-poop on my computer, TV table, drink, snacks etc.
Anyway, a couple days ago, I decided to check on them again, but this time, from the safety of the bedroom window. I turned the slots in the shade to peer through, and sure enough, the eggs had hatched.

It looks like there are four birds here. Now, all I have to do is wait for the nest to empty.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why My Blog Is So Pathetic

Boy, I really don't post here very often. Sorry if you've been frustrated because you've been checking and there was nothing new here.
I get a lot of ideas for posts when I'm in my car. Obviously I'm not going to post *from* my car and then I get home and I forget all about it.
Of course, now I've posted three times in one day, so I should be good for the rest of the year, right? Right? Hey, where are you going?

A Casino? Sexist? Really?

On Easter Sunday, my mom, my sister and I wanted to go to the casino (Harrah's, in Chester PA). Mom and Sister like to gamble. Me? I might throw twenty bucks at a slot machine, but that's usually about it. Repeatedly pressing a button isn't really my idea of a good time. But I love going to buffets, and the casinos usually have good ones. So I take my book with me, and once I'm done throwing money into the slot machine, I'll read my book, walk around, people watch (discretely, of course) and whatever else I can come up with.
Note: We'd already gone to a brunch for Easter breakfast, so there was no way we were going to a buffet for dinner as well. So, really there was no reason for me to even go.
So, we get to the casino and Mom and Sister give me their coats to check because they like to gamble and I ... not so much. So, I go downstairs, check the coats, go back upstairs and I'm walking to the casino floor when a security guard asks to check my bag. I have an over-the-shoulder messenger bag that I use to carry the aforementioned book as well as my cell phone, eyeglass case, pens and other usual stuff. The security guard asks if anything in the bag is a medical necessity. I say no, so he tells me I can't take the bag in. Meanwhile, while I've been standing there, the guard has been checking IDs on anyone under the age of 30 and has been checking NO other bags. Anyway, he's told me that I have to take the bag down to the coat check. I don't want to take the bag to the coat check because then I'd be walking around the casino floor with a book in one hand and a cell phone in another -- I did not explain this to the guard.
So I decide to complain to the hosts. I go to the guest services counter and tell them that security won't let me take my bag onto the casino floor but that he's not checking any women's bags and that's sexist. The guest service lady tells me I need to complain to the head of security. So I go to the security desk and tell them that I need to talk to the head of security. The head of security is busy with another issue, so I wait --- for somewhere between 1/2 an hour and 45 minutes (I didn't clock him). He comes and I explain that the guard won't let me take the bag on the floor and that he's not checking any women's bags and that this is sexist. The head of security agrees that it's sexist, but claims that this is a Casino Gaming Commission Regulation. Now, my first thought at that is, "I don't want to have to take this to the state capitol just so I can read my stupid book," but the representative from the CGC is on premises. So I tell him I want to talk to the representative.
It took a while, again, for the representative to get there and by this time the head of security has left. I again tell the CGC Rep that they won't let me take my bag onto the floor, that they're not checking any women's bags, and that this is sexist. I also tell him that the head of security said that this was a CGC regulation. *He* again agrees that this is sexist, but he tells me that he doesn't care whether I take the bag on the floor or not, that it's a casino rule. I tell him "I can believe you ..." and am trying to figure out how to say, "but I'm getting two different stories here," when he tries to stop me. I realize he's misheard me and emphasize that "I CAN believe you ..." (not "I can't believe you".) He repeats that he doesn't care, making it clear that he's done with me --- which is fine, since he doesn't care and thus I have no quarrel with him. I try to ask if he can stick around while I get the head of security back (so whoever is lying can't keep lying with the other person present), but he's leaving.
Anyway, I ask the guy at the security desk to get the head of security again. He calls the guy, and over the phone, HOS apparently asks what's in my bag. First, I say that's irrelevant because they're not checking women's bags (which everyone I've talked to has agreed is sexist), but then I explain what's in the bag. And I open the bag again so the guy at the security desk can look inside. He does, tells the head of security over the phone what's in the bag, then after a moment tells me that I can take the bag onto the floor. (Tells me, not the guard at the entrance to the floor, leaving me to have to tell that guard and hope he believes me.) Now, if this were a Casino Gaming Comssion Regulation, would the head of security, a casino employee, be able to give me permission to take the bag onto the floor? I'm thinking no.
So, I go to the guard at the entrance and I tell him that they head of security has given me permission. And he very nicely tells me he hopes there are no hard feelings. I agree that he was completely courteous and "just doing his job" as they say, and I tell him that my complaint is with the sexist rule --- or the sexist application of the rule, whichever it is.
(During this time, I've found out that the reason they check bags is to prevent people from taking anything from a weapon to a notebook computer (which could be used to help someone cheat) onto the floor. I can completely understand that. But do they really think that no women carry weapons, that no women cheat? And once you've established that you don't have any of those things --- I didn't --- you should be able to take your bag in.)
So, even though I've won the battle, I find Mom and tell her that I hope she continues to have a good time but that I have no intention of spending any money at that casino, ever again --- unless and until they change that rule. Of course, I broke that intention when I got bored and put five dollars into a machine, but it was only five dollars. Fortunately, neither Mom nor Sister had any interest in eating in the casino's sports bar either (it was Easter Sunday: the only things open were the buffet and the sports bar), so we grabbed food on the way home.
And I realize that a part of me should be saying, "A casino? Sexist? Really?" but having waitresses in skimpy outfits is one thing. Subjecting men and only men to a bag search is quite another.
I should also be counting my blessings, thinking about the time and money I'll save by not going back to the Harrah's casino in Chester, PA.

Yes, that's right, I'm naming names. I'm pretty sure I've managed to write this without libeling anyone and that everything above is completely accurate and whatever benefits of doubt need to be given have been.

stolen from SweePer ... which was stolen from paks...

You're on my friends list. I don't think I restrict replies to friends.
I want to know you! I want to know 33 things about you. Short and sweet is fine...You're on my list I still don't have a list, so I want to know you better!

1. Can you cook?
2. What was your dream growing up?
3. What talent do you wish you had?
4. Favorite place?
5. Favorite vegetable?
6. What was the last book you read?
7. What zodiac sign are you ?
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
9. Worst Habit?
10. Do we know each other outside of lj?
11. What is your favorite sport?
12. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
14. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
15. Tell me one weird fact about you:
16. Do you have any pets?
17. Do you know how to do the macarena?
18. What time is it where you are now?
19. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
21. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
22. What color eyes do you have?
23. Ever been arrested?
24. Bottle or Draft?
25. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?
26. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew?
27. What 's your favorite bar to hang at?
28. Do you believe in ghosts?
29. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
30. Do you swear a lot?
31. Biggest pet peeve?
32. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
33. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?