Friday, July 3, 2009

How I make a Wallpaper

I don't do a lot of wallpapers or collages and I wouldn't otherwise post this (because frankly the source pictures don't belong to me) but it's a good example of how I would do a collage.

I took the Matt Grothe on the right, and stretched out the left half of that picture to get a good wallpaper size. Because the background is blurry and only there to capture a mood and setting, it works, but if I were taking the pictures myself, I would take a picture of the stadium crowd and used it as a backdrop.
For the other two Matt Grothes, I removed everything from the pictures except him (and the helmet-shoulder-arm of the guy making the tackle) and pasted them into this picture. Again, if I were taking the pictures myself, I would probably find two more good pictures that didn't have another person in them, or I would use one where I wanted the other person completely in the picture. ... Although, the cut-off of the head and shoulder isn't a bad effect if I do say so myself.

I used The Gimp, which is an Open Source program similar to Photoshop.

I reduced the full-size picture because the point is to demonstrate capability, not provide people with a Matt Grothe wallpaper.

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