Thursday, August 14, 2008

A special ode, if you will, for Alexander (Sasha) Artemev:

The gymnast the coaches dismissed
And the announcers continually dissed
Put forth a good show
They should probably know
He would have been severely missed

The gymnast coaches didn't name
'Cause they thought he would go down in flame
May not have won gold
But I've always been told
It's an honor to perform at the Game

The gymnast the coaches rejected
Could have been feeling dejected
But the man did his best
And he even impressed
I say he should have been selected

Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm just throwing a test up here to see how easy or hard it is to post some of the pictures I've taken on here.

The above is Michael Young, of the Texas Rangers. Next is Mark Teixeira, when he was on the same team.

I'm not real happy with the way the picture browsing software puts pictures at the beginning of the post.
Anyway, the next few are from last year when I went to Carolina Panthers' training camp. Dang, that was hot! ... and not entirely in a good way.

That's enough for today's "test".